June Urgent Appeal Fund

Dar Al-Hijrah provides emergency rental assistance as a last resort to those facing eviction. Assistance is given to the most urgent cases up to one time every 24 months. Before completing a Dar Al-Hijrah assistance application, please apply with the county as a first step. This will expedite your case, and help us help you

$3,980 of $9,146 raised
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Donation Total: $1.00 One Time


“A man’s true wealth is the good he does in this world.”
– Prophet Muhammad

Please keep these families and all who struggle in your dua.

May Allah (SWT) give ease to these brothers and sisters who are suffering great hardship and stress, and may He move us to care for them in their moment of need.


Sister T is the sole provider for her two young children and her elderly mother, who suffers from cancer. She is working, but is underemployed and struggling to pay her rent. As a result, she is now facing eviction. We are collaborating with ADAMS, MIC, FAITH and Fairfax County to assist with her past due rent, and we are connecting her with a better-paying job which will help her stay afloat in the future.



Sister T and her two young children were abandoned by her husband several months ago, and he is not providing support of any kind. She has since started working, but is struggling to pay her bills. She is requesting assistance with her rent until she is able to secure a cheaper place and stabilize her situation.



Brother M was a prominent and beloved member of the DAH community for many years. He suffered stroke rendering him permanently disabled, and has since survived on a small disability benefit, and the charity of the community to provide for his housing. He is in need of assistance covering his rent this month.



Brother M suffers from an eye condition that affects his vision and impacts his ability to work consistently. His income has been affected, and he is requesting help paying his rent this month.



Sister H lives with her husband and mother and three young children. Due to a medical issue, she had to stop working a year and a half ago, and the family often struggles to make ends meet with just one income. She is asking for assistance with this month’s rent.



Sister T is a single mom to a 3-year-old daughter and is working full-time as a home health aide. She struggles to pay her bills each month. She fell behind after missing work due to an illness, and is now facing eviction. She is asking for assistance with one month rent to help her gat back on her feet.



Sister Z and her husband have an infant son, but both are out of work and struggling to pay their rent this month. She has been borrowing from a family who can no longer help, to make ends meet, and this month, she is asking for our assistance to catch up on her rent.
