Share Your Udhiyah

Share Your Kindness

This Eid Al-Adha, support families in Virginia by donating your Udhiyah with DAH for $300 per Udhiyah.

Donate Your Udhiyah With DAH

A Time for Sacrifice

Udhiyah is a wonderful time of the year filled with many blessings. This year, by donating your Udhiyah to Dar Al-Hijrah. You will be providing for struggling families right here in the US.

Fulfil your obligation and make a difference.

Your Donations

Last year, your Udhiyah donations helped many in need

800 families received meat
3,200 total
800 meat packages
6,000 pounds of

Donation Program

This year, DAH is offering shares of cows as Udhiyah. Each cow has 7 shares and each share (or each Udhiyah) is $300. Every Udhiyah donation makes a difference.

1 Udhiyah


2 Udhiyah


4 Udhiyah (full cow)


Custom Udhiyah

Make the Most of Dhul Hijjah

“There are no days during which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these days,” – Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

Known as the best days of the year, Dhul-Hijjah brings us an invaluable opportunity to make a lasting difference in the lives of our brothers and sisters. 

You can also donate to our Food Bank during the first 10 days of the year. You will not only bring hope and security to families in our community but you’ll also have the opportunity to maximize your rewards and embrace the power of Dhul Hijjah .

Fulfil Your Obligation

Every eligible Muslim is obliged to provide an Udhiyah donation. The Udhiyah meat packages are a valuable gift for those in need and provide 7 shares. Many families right here in Virginia are struggling right now. By providing them with your Udhiyah donation, you can bring a smile to their faces.

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