Before completing a Dar Al-Hijrah assistance application, please apply with the county as a first step. This will expedite your case, and help us help you.
If you are in need of assistance with rent, utilities, food, diapers or medical care, and you live in Fairfax County, please call Coordinated Services Planning (CSP) at 703-222-0880, and they can help.
If you live in Arlington, call the Arlington County Community Assistance Bureau at 703-228-1300.
And if you live in the CIty of Alexandria, call the Department of Community and Human Services at 703-746-5700.
Translators are available.
Assistance is given to the most urgent cases up to one time every 24 months.
If you have received assistance in the last 24 months, please call (703) 531-2905 to discuss your situation with the case manager.
At the time of applying, please provide the following documents:
1. Copy of photo ID (for all adults living in the household)
2. Proof of address for each family member.
3. Proof of Income (such as: first page of most recent tax return or, if not available, 3 most recent paystubs for all who are working)
4.If you receive public assistance of any kind such as: TANF; SSI; Section 8; etc. Please provide relevant letter.
5. First page of current lease
6. Landlord Info: Name of company or person, address & Phone Number
Documents can be emailed to [email protected] or dropped in the 24 hour locked dropbox on the porch of the Social Services Office. Your case will NOt be processed until we have received the requested documents.