Monthly Urgent Appeal Fund

Dar Al-Hijrah provides emergency rental assistance as a last resort to those facing eviction. Assistance is given to the most urgent cases up to one time every 24 months. Before completing a Dar Al-Hijrah assistance application, please apply with the county as a first step. This will expedite your case, and help us help you


“A man’s true wealth is the good he does in this world.”
– Prophet Muhammad

Please keep these families and all who struggle in your dua.

May Allah (SWT) give ease to these brothers and sisters who are suffering great hardship and stress, and may He move us to care for them in their moment of need.


Brother M was a prominent and beloved member of the DAH community for many years. He suffered stroke rendering him permanently disabled, and has since survived on a small disability benefit, and the charity of the community to provide for his housing. We are coordinating with other agencies to assist him as well, but he is in need of help covering his rent this month.



Sister S is the sole provider for three young girls. She works as a pharmacy technician, but her hours were cut recently, causing her to fall behind on her rent, and she is now in danger of eviction and needs urgent assistance. We are coordinating with another agency to prevent eviction.



Brother H is working, but struggling to make ends meet. He recently suffered with some health issues, which caused him to miss some work and fall even further behind. He asking with assistance catching up on his rent.



Brother O is a single elderly man who drives for Uber to support himself. He was recently in a car accident, which interrupted his work and caused him to fall behind on his bills. He is asking for some assistance with this month’s rent.



Brother A is an approved asylee whose wife and young daughter were just able to join him in the US. His work hours have been cut and he is struggling to pay his bills especially now that his family is reunited and the living expenses have increased. He asking for assistance with his rent.



Brother S is a newcomer, and he is working two jobs to support his wife and three young children, but he fell behind when one of his children was admitted to the hospital for almost two weeks and needed constant care. He is asking for assistance catching up on his rent.



Sister B and her husband and their three children moved to the area after the father lost his job in Richmond. They are working to secure new jobs and get re-established, but they are short on rent this month, and are asking for assistance.



Brother S is a husband and father of three young children aged 5-9. He is struggling to find a job, and consequentially is falling behind on his rent. We are coordinating assistance with a Fairfax County caseworker.



Brother S lost his delivery job with Amazon, and has been driving for Uber and DoorDash to make up for the lost income, but he is short this month and asking for assistance with his rent.



Sister T is a single woman with no financial support. She lost her job recently, causing her to fall behind on her rent, and she has not been able to find another one yet. She is asking for assistance making ends meet.
